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This surgery is research active, please view the research poster (PDF) for more information.

Please also view the video to see the different ways that you can take part in research.
NHS research is essential to find out which treatments work better for patients, help shape and improve future healthcare. If the surgery thinks that you may be eligible to take part in a research study, you could receive an invite. We never share your personal details. You are free to choose whether to take part or not in a research study.

Taking part in clinical research may benefit you, or others like you, in the future.

For further information ask any member of staff or alternatively click on link below for further information which can be found on our Be Part of Research website.

Current studies


Our practice is supporting vital COVID-19 research. As part of this, we are helping to carry out a UK Government priority research study called PRINCIPLE.

The PRINCIPLE trial aims to find treatments that reduce hospital admission and improve symptoms for people with COVID-19. You could be eligible to join if

  • You have had these symptoms for fewer than 15 days:
    • a continuous new or worsening cough
    • and/or a high temperature
    • OR have a positive test for SARS-Co-V2 infection with COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days
  • You are aged 50 to 64 with a pre-existing illness
  • You are aged 65 and above
  • Find out more

There are a growing number of research studies aiming to find treatments for patients with COVID-19. If you’d like to find out more about COVID-19 research and how you can contribute, please visit the Be Part of Research website at

Be Part of Research is a service provided by the National Institute for Health Research, which is the country’s largest funder of clinical research.

ATTACK – Aspirin to Target Arterial events in Chronic Kidney disease

Why is the this study important?

It is estimated that there are at least 5 million people with chronic kidney disease in the UK that are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, this trial should give the evidence required to prove one way or the other whether aspirin should be offered to our patients with chronic kidney disease to prevent heart disease or a stroke.

How do you think health data should be shared and used?

Health data is information collected in the course of health care provided by the NHS or HSC. It is used to provide care, and sometimes also for research to improve care for others. However, there are ways of controlling how health data is used. Researchers based at the University of Cambridge would like to know your view.

The study is open to anyone over 16 years of age (or under 16 with parental permission). Participants must reside in the UK. Average time taken to complete the online survey is approximately 15 minutes.

Page published: 5 December 2024
Last updated: 6 December 2024